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Category Archives: 2019 Spring

Session 3

At this session, we looked at the components of the data collection protocol for our assessment-in-community methodology. We reflected on each of the elements–which might we keep? Which might we leave out? Which might we adapt to best meet the needs of our particular projects? We agreed that in conducting our assessment-in-community conversations, we need to take an open-ended approach to data collection, based on the feedback we are receiving from participants. The protocol is intended to serve as a guide to conduct meaningful conversations, but there are times when prompts not on the protocol may be more appropriate in facilitating conversations that prompt deep thinking about the principles and practices of our programs and classrooms. We considered this insight in light of our individual assessment-in-community project ideas.

Session 2

At this session, we implemented an assessment-in-community conversation with the group so that they themselves could experience what it was like to engage with a sample protocol based on a dynamic assessment methodology. The principle we asked participants to reflect upon, in individual writing and as part of the group, was: To promote our students’ development at the college, it is important for faculty and administrators to work together. Using the protocol, we led participants in a guided discussion about this principle, asking individuals to share examples from their experience and to generate common themes about what they had heard. Due to time constraints, we briefly reviewed how the conversation might continue using the protocol’s remaining steps.

FIG Handout 8

Session 1

Our plan for this session was to ask participants to experience our assessment-in-community methodology. However, with the presence of a new FIG member, our attention focused instead on the particulars of possible project involving a new group of students on campus. Based on the methodological issues we had been exploring in recent sessions, we worked with this participant to give shape and direction to this evolving project.

FIG Handout 7